Fixed Food???

Posted: March 28, 2011 in Uncategorized

Watch this video

How do you feel about Genetically modified food and Why???

Vocab words:

DNA: deoxyribonucleic acid or a long linear polymer found in the nucleus of a cell. DNA is the blueprint for every living thing.

E. Coli: Bacteria naturally occurring in the lower intestine of many animals, including humans. Infection with E-coli can occur with small doses and cause symptoms of diarrhea. E-coli infection is transmitted by food or water that has been contaminated with feces.

Tumors: abnormal new mass of tissue that serves no purpose, also known as cancer cells

*Round-Up: Pesticide made to kill bugs and viruses that kill plants.

  1. Devin Butler Freedom says:

    I am just wondering how do the scientist know that the genetically modified bacteria that they are using wont get humans sick. They could accidentally start a plague.Also, I think this is a very innovative process but, I do not believe it should be utilized for increased profits. If we were in a food shortage then the taking these measures to produce more food would be necessary.

  2. Kimsa Nguyen says:

    I feel that genetic modified food is dangerous. How would scientists know that the bacteria used to modifiy the organism isn’t potentially dangerous to us humans. Also, the video stated that there has been lesser yield to the crops since the scientists modified the plants/crops. So instead of ending world hunger, they just did the opposite. I believe that things were made for a reason and humans shouldn’t change the process of nature by producing genetically modified food. In addition, near the end of the video, it showed that BT in the air could cause humans to be susceptible to skin, respitory and immune problems if the person lived near that area. With this in mind, what could happen if others breathe in this air and travel to different parts of the world? It would cause widespread chaos. Genetically modified food should be banned because of the hazards ythat it poses on the organisms on Earth.

  3. AAron Humphries says:

    I agree Devin. This shouldn’t be utilized for increased profits. There should be some temperance in the use of this. What also is not good is how so many (just like in the interview in the video) are not informed or refused to become educated about these issues that could greatly affect us. These are things that we should be concerned about.

  4. Ethan Lyles says:

    I agree with Kimsa… But this is yet another eye opener to what the government shall do for money. Money, Money, Money. They would rather kill the society basically for money, same goes for them putting hormones in our foods.

  5. Leslie Wright says:

    This was a very enlightening video to watch. I already knew about Genetically Modified foods, but I was honestly in the dark on the insertion process of the new genes. It is disturbing to think about the fact that only bacteria and viruses can truly invade cells in a way that efficiently deposits the new gene. It isn’t a comfortable feeling to know that sometimes, vegetables get induced with tumors to make it work. This is extremely disturbing considering all the “unknown” causes of the ever so popular disease called Cancer, popping up sporadically across the US.

    My wish would be that the so very wonderful FDA would make it mandatory to label the genetically modified foods in big bright labels. This way, you give the people the choice. And educate the lower-class communities. It is unlikely that employees in these inner-city grocery stores and markets know much more than their customers about which foods are modified and which arent.

  6. Kameron Sanford says:

    I agree with Ethan the government doesnt care about the bacteria humans consume. They just worry about the money they can make by people eating it and won’t care about the health conditions the people have after consuming the product. So modified/genetic foods should be illegal or at least banned like Kimsa stated.

  7. Tor Smith says:

    This is a very tough issue. Feeding millions of people everyday isn’t a easy task. When a growing population puts greater demands on food production, those food producers have no margin for era. When bacteria and insects threaten food products something must be done to prevent famine. But where do we draw the line, and when do these pesticides and genetically modified foods begin to effect the humans who consume them. I believe that our modern society needs these technological advancements to feed our growing population. I just want to know, where do we draw the line?

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