GOin’ GREEN!?!?!

Posted: March 22, 2011 in Uncategorized
Public behavior is merely private character writ large. -Stephen Covey.
What does our countries history of high levels of  pollution and  enormous carbon footprint say about us? How can we justify this if we can?
  1. Tor Smith says:

    Wow, going “Green” isn’t just a slogan. That is why we all have to do our part in saving the Earth. It’s not good enough to talk the talk, we have to walk the walk. It’s all about sacrifice, just like your education, the book “Alchemist”, and the Earth. We all need to sacrifice and do what’s right. This has inspired me to bring up the idea of installing solar panels at my condo complex. I’ll propose it at our next meeting, because it isn’t good enough to have the information. We all need to act on the information that we have, and share it with others. Together we can save the world.

    • Devin Butler Freedom says:

      I agree with Tor. We need to talk the talk, walk the walk and get others to walk the walk with us because we cannot do this alone. It is most important to spread the word because the mission needs to go on, but it cant if nobody else can see the vision.

  2. Sadar Muhammad says:

    Historically our country’s reputation as a major polluter was a great sign of the progress that we made economically, and the power that we had to produce goods. However today is the future and if we don’t get out of the industrial revolution and transfer not some of our energy production but all of it to clean, environmentally friendly energies, we will not only worsen the human condition, we will cause our own destruction by adding enough CO-2 in the atmosphere to burn us all to death.(GHE)

    • I agree Sadar, as long as Big Oil in America continue to make monster profits by drilling and selling Oil in this country….nothing will change. The problem with Big Business (bring it up because I am studying Econ now) is that they only care about two things….Profits, and Cost. As long as they continue to make record profits and cost of “green energy” is high….nothing will change.

  3. devin Butler Freedom says:

    It is hard for me to say whether or not our human advancement is worth the damage benign done to our earths infrastructure. I find it hard to answer this question because there is no damage calculator or official measurement. The only thing we can see is pollutant levels and carbon foot prints. After my calculation of my own foot print and estimate the amour of technology I use in my life, I have come to the conclusion that I personally can to cut back on certain luxuries, mostly sleeping with the TV on and Lights on during the day, to help the environment and not be a hypocrite.

  4. Endya Watson says:

    I think the countries high level of pollution and high carbon footprints says that we are not seeking to gain information about our environment and the future of it. Everyone is so concerned with what is happening right here right now that we are blinding ourselves to what kind of future we will have with these bad habits. It’s kind of like when you get a bad grade on a test…you probably didn’t study too much before the test came up and after not doing so well you say “well now i need to try and get my grade up”. People are unknowingly ruining the environment and once it gets to a point of no return we will be saying “ok, now let’s do something about this problem”. The only way to justify this is realize how important this issue is and actually take action before things get worse.

    • Lauren Bottoms says:

      I agree with you Endya. Many people are probably not aware of the size of their carbon footprint. Because of the ignorance that some people have of the environment, they continue on with their bad habits. Another factor that ties into this is money. Factories, steel mills, bus companies, etc are all businesses that are trying to make money, so the environment is not as important. People should educate themselves on the occurrences happening to the environment because if it does not directly affect a person, it indirectly affects them; being things like air pollution and water pollution.

    • AAron Humphries says:

      I agree Endya when you say we must take some action towards the future! We must all realize wha effect we are having on the earth if we continue in a careless manner.

  5. I found this video to be very funny because it is so true. The problem with this country and really the world at large, is that most people just talk the talk but do not want to walk the walk. For example, everybody wants a cleaner planet, but are they willing to take the steps like recycling everything do make the planet cleaner? No, it is to easier to just say you want the planet cleaner but not trade in that SUV and really do something to help.

    Citizens of the world need to spend less time talking about what they are going to do and just do it…

  6. Kimsa Nguyen says:

    Our countries high levels of pollution and enormous carbon footprint shows that we are more concerned with other things like the economic situation and oil. Our country has yet to show any care when it comes to the enviroment. Yes there are certain groups like the EPA that might help the enviroment. But one group doesn’t really help a large planet like Earth. We need a world effort to help reduce our carbon footprint. We need to change the ways we do things and make alternative forms of energy that doesn’t harm the Earth. I agree with Tor, we need to walk the walk and not just talk the talk.

  7. AAron Humphries says:

    This video is so true! hilarious but so true!! Many people have gotten caught up in the “phrase going green” But have not realized the things in their own life style that seriously have a great effect on the environment! we must do a self examination and see what ways we are negatively affecting the environment and how can i emprove so that i can do my part. Its is a team effort and so much more than just a slogan or something that is done only in public when people are watching.

  8. Leslie Wright says:

    This video is fantastic satire. But it is unfortunately true. So many people are only “green” in public view, or in ways that are trendy, but continue their wasteful, and often eco-hazardous lifestyles later on.
    I agree with Kimsa’s comment above. We do need to be more proactive, and not just “talk the talk.” The question then becomes, “how?” Many communities in the city dont even have readily available recycling facilities.

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